Sunday, July 20, 2014

Clan War Advice

Clan Wars

As we get into our first war with all of the new clan mates that joined us, we see how we need to work on a few things for our bases and our attack strategies. I want to use this blog to give advice from us to us and to help our chances of winning clan wars. Please comment below with suggestions so they do not get lost in the clan chat.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Clan Merge

Positive results for a clan merge. We are going to grow back to full status again. We will be needing everybody's help in the upcoming wars and donations. Get to know the new clan mates, help each other out, and let's make an easy going transition into another awesome group.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Clash of Clans - Clan Wars!!!

Hey clanmates!

I wanted to post a few things regarding Clan Wars.

The Blood Mafia is going to be participating is Clan Wars once it starts.

Here's a little information to sum up Clan Wars.

What is a Clan War?

A clan war is a strategic battle between two clans. There are two phases in a clan war, the preparation day and the battle day. Each participant can attack twice during the battle day. At the end of the war, the clan that earns the most stars from attacking wins the clan war.

Every clan member who makes successful attacks during a clan war will earn some bonus loot, but only the winning clan will receive a large loot bonus (plus 2 thumbs up). Clan wars are free to start and participate in, and, unlike normal multiplayer battles, clans get to choose if and when they would like to go to war. Clans do not have to participate in clan wars.

Quick Link to the fast youtube video about Clan Wars explained.

Don't worry about how safe your village is, it will not be affected by the war once started. There will be 2 villages, your war base and your regular base. Trophy count and regular resources will not be affected by the clan war.

If a clan member decides to leave the clan after starting a clan war, their war base will remain with the initial clan they started the war with. You can only participate in 1 clan war at a time.

Inactive clan war participants will not receive war loot, but will still count towards the war effort. Sp, please participate in the clan war once it is started. We need to make sure that we are attacking other bases that we know we can win at. Try your best to get 3 stars from the attack also. 

How is strength calculated in clan wars?

Strength is based on each member’s attacking power (troops, army camp capacity, spells and heroes) and defensive strength (defense buildings, walls, traps and heroes). Different layouts and base designs do not affect strength. The only way a member’s strength can be changed is if they upgrade their troops, defenses, spells, etc.

  • Upgrade your camps
    • Upgrade troops, if possible, to the highest level you can go while leveling your village.
  • Upgrade defensive buildings
    • Start with splash damage buildings first; wizard towers and mortars.
    • Work on Archer towers next. These towers have a large range for defense and can target air and ground.
  • Place traps in strategic locations and make sure you re-arm them.
  • Strength will also be helped with your wall levels. But try not to worry to much about max level for walls all the time. People with a Town hall level 7 should work on at least level 6 walls. before you move up to Town hall level 8, you should then work on increasing the wall levels. A good reason for increasing wall strength at Town hall level 7 should be if you plan on increasing your trophy count above 1800.
Let's all plan on making ourselves involved as much as we can with the clan wars.
The Blood Mafia - A clan where cement shoes are half price...
Click HERE for a more detailed description of the Clan War Facts.